
The story of that idea

«I vûl saût par fâ scliçots»*
Savût Trumpets tell the story of the friendship, passion and experience of Roberto Buttus, who is an internationally renowned master repairer, and Antonio Battaglia, who is an experienced mechanical machinist. They grew up together in the 1980's in Friuli sharing a love of music and wind instruments.
In 1989, further to an eight-year apprenticeship, Roberto started his own workshop and turned his passion into his profession. He extended his training in the repair workshops of the renowned French and German wind manufacturers and he built professional relationships with well-known European repairers.
Antonio moved abroad where he continued to develop his experience in precision mechanical machining and construction. In 2015 Antonio moved back to Italy and was employed by Roberto.
Together again, they decided to combine their abilities and professional knowledge to create a unique trumpet. Their own trumpet – Savût.
* The literal translation of this saying from regional Friuli is: «You need the Elder leaves to create blow-pipes».
«Savût» (saût) in Friulian is the word that means both the Elder tree and the past participle of verb «to know», meaning «having or possessing knowledge».
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